Most of us acquire information on TV etc.,and the picture we create in our head by those news becomes 'fact' in our mind until some new piece of information modify the 'picture'. Multiple big-name terrorists came from Saudi and Pakistan, so no wonder ordinary Americans think so,,
After the Jordanian pilot was killed by ISIS, we heard more about King Abdullah II of Jordan, and about Egyptian president Abdel Fattah el-Sisi after the Coptic Christians were beheaded. That's the time I realized not all Muslims countries are like Saudi Arabia.
Maybe I'm developing another bias, but by hearing this Jordanian-born Imam speaks for the American national security against Islamic extremists' violence, I started to think at least Jordan is definitely different from Pakistan or Saudi. (To: asker:: if you know any other generally more peaceful Muslim countries, please list them on the comment. Thanks.)
{ some excerpt from the site below }
...12News anchor Kevin Steele asked Alsayyed directly, "are you prepared to denounce ISIS and its beheadings?"
"Come on, no human being would accept this type of animal behavior," said the imam.
"This is like, this is completely, it doesn't belong to any religion this ISIS."
Nidal and the Muslim faithful of Southeast Texas hosted this year's Interfaith Thanksgiving service.....
....."Did the Prophet ever, in your view, say you must kill the infidel?" Steele asked.
"Never. Never. And the only way it was done when the killing was happening against non-believers is when they're involved already in a battle and that battle is already going on and it's a matter of you have to save your religion," said Alsayyed.
Nidal says he has never felt bigotry from Southeast Texans. He calls Islam a religion of peace - as have President George W. Bush and President Barack Obama. And its certainly true 5 of the past 12 Nobel Peace Prize winners - are Muslims.
If it's a religion of peace how do we reconcile in our minds the beheadings of ISIS, global terror, and verses from the Qu'ran like Surah 47:4 that some believe approve, even encourage, bloodshed. Surah 47:4 reads, "And when you meet those who misbelieve, non-Muslims, while fighting in jihad, cut off their heads until you have massacred them, and take them captive."
Imam Nidal says its better translated, "while fighting on the battlefield." And Nidal says, as with other verses, the Qu'ran approves violence only in self defense.
When Steele noted that the 3,000 people at the World Trade Center towers didn't attack anyone, Alsayyed responded by saying, "Of course. I mean, why do we speak about violence and why do we say of 73 groups of some Muslims, 72 (the Prophet is saying) they are in hellfire. In the Middle East you will find some groups that misunderstand the message of the Prophet."
The World Trade Center attackers are in hellfire? The imam told us that he and most Islamic scholars believe they are in hellfire and said it pertains when anyone kills, "for no real reason." ....
.....The imam says 80% of the Qu'ran's verses on jihad refer to the inner struggle against the human nature. And says violence may only be appropriate involving oppressive Islamic nations. Not non-Islamic states like the United States.
Critics still complain there is no such thing as "moderate" Islam and say the doctrine of Taqiyya allows Muslims to lie about violent aims -- to protect Islam.
Imam Nidal says Taqiyya is a Shia doctrine. And not a doctrine supported by his Sunni Hanafi school of thought....