Why do so most republicans think that all Muslims countries are like Saudi Arabia or Pakistan?
2015-12-10 10:59:02 UTC
I am an American from Texas, but I should point out that not all Muslims treat women like crap or are violent. Indonesia has more Muslims than any other country yet has some freedom of speech/expression and you can be what ever religion you want. India has 100 million Muslims and there is relatively little conflict between Muslims and non Muslims, also porn, freedom of speech/religion, democracy is allowed as well. Albania and Macedonia in eastern Europe are free, and Kuwait is ruled under mostly British law, and has decent freedom of speech/religion rights. Turkey has freedom as well of course, and unlike the religious right in this country, they are a secular government.

To say that about ALL countries with a high Muslim population is disingenuous. Only in strict Islamic countries are Muslims subject to the oppressive Shariah law which severely limits their freedom.
72 answers:
2015-12-21 04:06:38 UTC
Out of all their countries, history, and people, their overall outcome is still the same, sure exceptions could be made for one or two countries that are distinct, like Turkey that were influenced by other things too and tried to do their own thing, their still largely influenced by the something. There's a lot the Ottoman Empire did too, like the Armenian genocide. You will see the same pattern among "peaceful" Muslims too in any region of the globe, the other half are more sneaky and al-Taqiyya (lying) is encouraged. You could single out any tales, it's usually barbaric, dismembering people because they refused to convert. It's the same pattern constantly. Of course women and people will run around an do basic human behavior, but their influence is largely the same and almost always related to their religion, as well as the quality of people they collected over the years too. If they're not strict, they are not following it properly, each culture slightly varies. That answers the question.
2015-12-20 08:05:22 UTC
Out of all their countries, history, and people, their overall outcome is still the same, sure exceptions could be made for one or two countries that are distinct, like Turkey that were influenced by other things too and tried to do their own thing, their still largely influenced by the something. There's a lot the Ottoman Empire did too, like the Armenian genocide. You will see the same pattern among "peaceful" Muslims too in any region of the globe, the other half are more sneaky and al-Taqiyya (lying) is encouraged. You could single out any tales, it's usually barbaric, dismembering people because they refused to convert. It's the same pattern constantly. Of course women and people will run around an do basic human behavior, but their influence is largely the same and almost always related to their religion, as well as the quality of people they collected over the years too. If they're not strict, they are not following it properly, each culture slightly varies. That answers the question.
2015-12-10 11:09:33 UTC
Most Republicans do not think that all are the same, they have repeatedly begged for those moderate Muslim societies to stand up and help.. After all they know the cultures better then anyone else. That is the issue, not enough have helped, condemned the actions of the radicalized, polls show that far too many actually support that life style. If those countries stood up as one, and faced the crazies, then there wouldn't be any way for ISIS to call it, to recruit for a religious war. Much of their influence, their power over others would be wiped away in an instant.
2015-12-20 19:23:28 UTC
Most Americans don't know any Muslims. So they've got no experience with them as individuals Instead most of them get their information about Muslims from the news, which usually only reports on Muslims in other countries and usually only when they're doing something terrible. So for most conservatives they only ever hear about Muslims in a negative context.

Of course, not all Americans who hear such things about Muslims have biased attitudes towards them, even if they don't know any Muslims personally. But Republicans tend to identify more strongly with "traditional" American identity groups. When it comes to religion this basically means Christianity. These Republicans generally find it more difficult to empathize people from other groups, particularly ones which seem racially or culturally foreign. They also tend to view these people in very uniform ways. With Christians they tend to view people as individuals. If some Christian does something crazy and violent then they take that as a moral failing of that individual, rather than a problem within Christianity. But with Islam they view Muslims not as individuals, but as groups. They believe that all Muslims are essentially the same, or at least similar, and that therefore all Muslims must believe, on some level, in the same kind of extremist Islam which is popular in places like Saudi Arabia.
2015-12-20 07:16:20 UTC
There's a lot the Ottoman Empire did too, like the Armenian genocide. You will see the same pattern among "peaceful" Muslims too in any region of the globe, the other half are more sneaky and al-Taqiyya (lying) is encouraged. You could single out any tales, it's usually barbaric, dismembering people because they refused to convert. It's the same pattern constantly. Of course women and people will run around an do basic human behavior, but their influence is largely the same and almost always related to their religion, as well as the quality of people they collected over the years too. If they're not strict, they are not following it properly, each culture slightly varies. That answers the question.
2015-12-22 06:00:51 UTC
Of course, not all Americans who hear such things about Muslims have biased attitudes towards them, even if they don't know any Muslims personally. But Republicans tend to identify more strongly with "traditional" American identity groups. When it comes to religion this basically means Christianity. These Republicans generally find it more difficult to empathize people from other groups, particularly ones which seem racially or culturally foreign. They also tend to view these people in very uniform ways. With Christians they tend to view people as individuals. If some Christian does something crazy and violent then they take that as a moral failing of that individual, rather than a problem within Christianity. But with Islam they view Muslims not as individuals, but as groups. They believe that all Muslims are essentially the same, or at least similar, and that therefore all Muslims must believe, on some level, in the same kind of extremist Islam which is popular in places like Saudi Arabia.
2015-12-18 13:41:04 UTC
Indonesia= Indonesian Muslims carried out the Bali bombings.

India= Arab invaders tortured people and the peaceful Hindus and Buddhists..etc, Pakistan and Bangladesh was divided for Muslims, many people were shifted as a result. They represent a large part of the captured poor, they are currently trying to do the same thing with other states, like Kashmir.

Russia=Chenchen and the Beslan school massacre

China=Uighurs are radicalized and are trying to create a separation

Out of all their countries, history, and people, their overall outcome is still the same, sure exceptions could be made for one or two countries that are distinct, like Turkey that were influenced by other things too and tried to do their own thing, their still largely influenced by the something. There's a lot the Ottoman Empire did too, like the Armenian genocide. You will see the same pattern among "peaceful" Muslims too in any region of the globe, the other half are more sneaky and al-Taqiyya (lying) is encouraged. You could single out any tales, it's usually barbaric, dismembering people because they refused to convert. It's the same pattern constantly. Of course women and people will run around an do basic human behavior, but their influence is largely the same and almost always related to their religion, as well as the quality of people they collected over the years too. If they're not strict, they are not following it properly, each culture slightly varies. That answers the question.

Saudi Arabia is the home of Wahabbi group, but it's also said to be the home of Islam as well.
Just Some Guy's Tatum Report
2015-12-16 20:27:58 UTC
Saudi Arabia upholds Muhammad commands, wishes, & vision for an Islamic Society, Pakistan is emulating Saudi Arabia, & the Islamist around the world wants to bring forth Muhammad's vision of an Islamic Society.
2015-12-22 11:39:49 UTC
Then I have a question for you. Can you name one Muslim majority country that isn't a dump? Albania is an impoverished dump ruled by mobsters, Macedonia is a majority Orthodox Christian country, there's occasionally a headline or two about human rights coming out of Kuwait, and Turkey has been a victim of constant military coups and has really gone downhill after straying from its secular beginnings recently. If Muslims are so happy in their own countries, why are they immigrating to non-Muslim countries?
2015-12-10 11:33:25 UTC
We don't think that but even many of the moderate Muslim countries have radical Muslims in their country.

Morocco is considered a moderate Muslim country and they had a large terrorist attack earlier this year.

Jordan is another moderate Muslim country and they are having trouble with ISIS elements in their country.

Indonesia is considered a moderate Muslim country and there are stories every year where some of the Muslims are burning down churches and persecuting Christians.

Not all Muslims are radicalized but the ones that are not need to do more to police the members of their own religion.

Especially if the radical Muslims reside in their own country.
2015-12-10 11:02:38 UTC
It's not just Republicans, it's most Americans in general ignorant of the world. Really most of the extremists are Wahhabists, the branch of Islam of the Gulf States where extreme sharia is found. Most Muslims aren't Wahhabists though, do to more moderate countries like Indonesia (influenced by Buddhist values) and Bangladesh (influenced by Hindu values).
2015-12-10 11:23:05 UTC
??? Why do YOU think Saudi Arabia and Pakistan are identical to each other? They have MANY significant differences between them.

As for Republicans, they abandoned reality-based thinking decades ago, and will accept any mindless lie that suits them, at any given time.

??? To say WHAT about ALL such countries? About what are you mindlessly babbling? What are you ranting against?
2015-12-10 11:09:07 UTC
India has a billion people that aren't Muslim. Therefore, they aren't uppity.

Macedonia and Albania are not bastions of civil rights. Kuwait, amongst other things denies civil rights to thousands that were born there and are in effect stateless.

Indonesia still has female genital mutilation, early marriage and frequent attacks on religious minorities. Furthermore, it has a program of intentionally taking land from the people of New Guinea and then settling Javanese in their land in a program of extermination.

Turkey committed genocide against ethnic Armenians and continues to terrorize the Kurds.

So, you've picked some bad places...try again.
Philip H
2015-12-10 11:07:34 UTC
And you think Americans in general think Pakistan and Saudi Arabia are friendly allies?

So tell us please, where did the wife in the San Bernardino team of murders come from?

Where did the 9/1l terrorists come from?

What about the Obvious FACT that most terrorist acts of mass murder occur in Africa and the Victims are other Muslims?

The same holds true for terrorist acts in Indonesia. The USA has little to worry about relative to those residing in most Muslim Dominated Nations world wide.
2015-12-20 07:29:14 UTC
You mention Indonesia. Hate to burst your bubble there, but currently Indonesia has a Female Gymnast that is probably one of the top five best on the planet today, and they are denouncing her for her attire. Jordan, Bosnia, Kosovo, most of the former Muslim Soviet Republics, Egypt, Iran, Lebanon, Assad controlled Syria, Palestine, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, and to some extent Turkey, treat women a lot better than the rest.
2015-12-11 04:59:08 UTC
Lets say evidence plays a huge role in what makes one think.

Since in the last 12 years, All of the terrorist attacks were either

generated, plotted or planned from Saudi, Pakistan, Yemen,of

Afghanistan. What is one to think.
2015-12-14 03:28:49 UTC
Firstly, Pakistani women are nowhere like Saudia Arabian women except in few areas which are socio-economically very backward. Women in Pakistan enjoy total freedom and representation in all the spheres of life. Their parliament, civil services and other institutes are equally represented by both genders.

Secondly, the sources of news for most republican representatives are the civil activists and NGOs in Pakistan and other muslim countries. These activists and NGOs enjoy elite life in these countries and they report exaggeratedly deplorable conditions of human rights in the such countries, as not doing so would reduce their importance to get funds from influential people, agencies and countries. So usually, they over-report the human right violation in such countries.

Thirdly, Basic tenets of Islamic sharia laws are equality, justice and preservation of human rights. Given the basics are preserved, muslims are advised to logically modify sharia laws, which are adaptable for their conditions and society, through consensus.
2015-12-12 16:51:38 UTC
.The brutal murder of the head of Turkey's Catholic Church, Bishop Luigi Padovese, on June 3, 2010, has rattled the country's small, diverse, and hard-pressed Christian community.[1] The 62-year-old bishop, who spearheaded the Vatican's efforts to improve Muslim-Christian relations in Turkey, was stabbed repeatedly at his Iskenderun home by his driver and bodyguard Murat Altun, who concluded the slaughter by decapitating Padovese and shouting, "I killed the Great Satan. Allahu Akhbar!" He then told the police that he had acted in obedience to a "command from God."[2]

Are you seriously kidding us? I mean really .

Do this . Look up Christian persecution in and pick one of these countries. That is what I did and the results are never the positive happy news people like you present.
2015-12-10 23:26:57 UTC
About 1.6 billion people on Earth are Muslim. If, as a group, they wanted to really cause havoc in the world nothing would stop them. People have to realise that the dick whackers causing the trouble in Syria and Iraq are a relatively small number. There are people in the US apparently paranoid about the possibility of being topped by a suicide squad. Well they live in a country where 16000 homicides are committed every year by people other than Muslims. They have more chance of being killed by a ladder falling on their heads than meeting their doom at the hands of Isis followers.
The Sheepdog
2015-12-13 19:18:42 UTC
Um, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan are pretty wildly different countries...
2015-12-18 06:11:43 UTC
Really most of the extremists are Wahhabists, the branch of Islam of the Gulf States where extreme sharia is found. Most Muslims aren't Wahhabists though, do to more moderate countries like Indonesia (influenced by Buddhist values) and Bangladesh (influenced by Hindu values).
2015-12-20 15:34:30 UTC
There is the story of the student from Saudi Arabia who attended college. He signed up for a physical education class, bowling. It was a coed class. The first class he got very upset because not only women were there, but you get a pretty good view of their behind when they bowl.
2015-12-19 14:54:41 UTC
Muslim countries have radical Muslims in their country.

Morocco is considered a moderate Muslim country and they had a large terrorist attack earlier this year.

Jordan is another moderate Muslim country and they are having trouble with ISIS elements in their country.

Indonesia is considered a moderate Muslim country and there are stories every year where some of the Muslims are burning down churches and persecuting Christians.
2015-12-18 08:05:08 UTC
Muslim countries have radical Muslims in their country.

Morocco is considered a moderate Muslim country and they had a large terrorist attack earlier this year.

Jordan is another moderate Muslim country and they are having trouble with ISIS elements in their country.

Indonesia is considered a moderate Muslim country and there are stories every year where some of the Muslims are burning down churches and persecuting Christians.
Dr. D
2015-12-10 14:21:50 UTC
I have lived in Muslim countries and I have never, ever, found any of them to be tolerant or "friendly" toward non-Muslims. Christians are constantly being persecuted even in Indonesia.

I have relatives in Indonesia and I know first-hand that they are being persecuted.

Turkey is even worse. Part of the problem is that these countries are democracies and their constitutents are largely Muslims. So the politicians periodically crack down on Christians to be reelected by the Muslim majority. Yes, they are forcing Christians churches and schools to close, and preventing theological schools to train new priests/ministers.

Not all Muslim countries are like Saudi Arabia, Iran, or Pakistan, but all Muslim countries persecute Christians to appease the Muslim majority.
2015-12-11 11:21:19 UTC
I am a Republican, and I already knew/agreed with what you just said. I am in the party for its economic stances, and its stances on the war against ISIS, and not the social stances, though, so I cannot tell you why people like Trump believe what they do. I put it down to the same reason anyone is wrong about anything: People are imperfect, and everyone is wrong about something. Also, people are idiots, in general.
2015-12-21 23:36:25 UTC
If you met a member of David Koresh's church and found out that his church promotes the raping of little kids, would you think that perhaps the church member you are meeting possibly could have raped a little kid? The Koran SAYS to kill the infidel, to stone the unfaithful wife, to kill the homosexual, etc. So logic says that if someone is a member of this religion, then they might just believe in these teachings. Polled anonymously, almost half the Muslims in the US said they believe a woman who cheats on her husband should be stoned to death. You think they're gonna tell you that to your face? They have to keep it on the down-low, for now. Also, did you know there is not one mention of the word "love" in the Koran? BE AFRAID!!! BE VERY AFRAID!!!
2015-12-11 23:26:08 UTC
Because over 20% of Muslims want sharia law. There's over 1 billion Muslims in the world, do the math. Your argument is mute.
2015-12-10 11:07:19 UTC
Most republicans? I'm going to assume you've asked them all, right?

Generalizing Muslim Countries = bad.

Generalizing Republicans = fine.
2015-12-11 11:46:21 UTC
Who said "most" Republicans do? I know there are a lot more moderate Muslim traditions around the world. There are still restrictions, but not as bad as the more Fundamentalist countries.
2015-12-21 13:28:27 UTC
HAHAHAHAH, you should perhaps do a bit of research before talking about Indonesia as if it were a haven for civil rights. Indonesia has perpetrated one of the most recent acts of genocide on record.
2015-12-21 10:30:03 UTC
Most Muslims are not terrorists. The thing is so far, all terrorists are Muslim. That should sum it up for you.
2015-12-20 17:32:29 UTC
most republicansmostrepublicansmostrepublicanszzzzz,,,,,,,,,

2015-12-20 15:45:25 UTC
The question is why do we keep giving Saudis weapons.
2015-12-19 20:03:33 UTC
Cuz they never paid attention in high school civics.
2015-12-19 14:41:38 UTC
Prove your statement that most republicans believe what you say. I disagree with your premise.
2015-12-19 03:17:53 UTC
You buried the butchers of San Bernardino in a full Muslim Ceremony.

YOU honored the killers and praised them as Muslims who YOU though deserved all the honors of your faith.

Then you tell US how bad we are for treating you all like terrorists?
Art G
2015-12-18 23:57:03 UTC
Look at the facts they say why !
2015-12-18 10:56:49 UTC
most of them are racist or they think there are only two muslim countries...
2015-12-10 11:00:34 UTC
so then, you're saying that broad assumptions and generalizations are bad... right?
2015-12-10 11:00:38 UTC
Thanks for the lecture muslims still suck and they should go home.

Yeah tell us how wonderful Turkey is, especially how they all booed the Paris victims during a moment of silence at a soccer game
2015-12-10 11:01:13 UTC
why is there no uproar on those countries like the uproar against Trump
2015-12-10 11:01:33 UTC
They don't. LOL Where is there the evidence they do? LOL
2015-12-10 11:03:06 UTC
Because they are all ignorant.
2015-12-10 11:04:16 UTC
They're too uneducated to know that "some" doesn't mean "all".
2015-12-10 11:05:00 UTC
I dont even think the bulk of them even know what a Muslim is.
2015-12-10 11:05:34 UTC
For the same reason that you think most Republicans are racist. Ignorance. The Democrats are constantly inflaming the issue to get your support. The entire discussion is bound to end badly.
2015-12-10 11:11:47 UTC
Because they are.
Texas Mike
2015-12-10 11:13:54 UTC
I worked with Muslims. I learned a lot. But surely you know the fact that not all Muslims are terrorists. But all terrorists are Muslims.
2015-12-10 11:55:29 UTC
Macedonia is Orthodox Christian not Muslim, get your facts straight. Even the Muslim minority is more secular Albanian nationalist than it is Muslim.
2015-12-10 19:32:22 UTC
You can't be whatever religion in Indonesia, only 6 religion accepted: islam, chatolics, protestan, budha, hindu, konghuchu. Other else, such as jews, sikh, even traditional religion cannot accepted.

moreover, you can get killed when you declare youself as an atheist
2015-12-11 05:36:05 UTC
You don't seem to even know what a muslim is. All muslims are all alike, and they are not a race of people like the brain dead liberal idiots believe. muslim means a person who follows the religion of islam, and anyone that follows the religion of islam believes in the stupid quran. That stupid books tells its followers to murder all who are not of the faith of islam, beat their wives, which they may have four of. Don't try to lie to us and tall us that muslims are not very violent wife beaters and murders, because it you are a muslim you are a very violent wife beater and murder.

I know that Imams an clerics of Islam have declared a holy jihad [Holy war] against the infidels of the world and, that by killing an infidel, (which is a command to all muslims) they are assured of a place in heaven. A infidel is a 'Non-believer' of the muslim faith.

I have this straight, all followers of allah have been commanded to kill everyone who is not of your faith so they can have a place in heaven.

Well, sir, I have a real problem trying to imagine a Christian leader commanding all of those of the Christian faith to kill those of the muslim faith in order to guarantee them a place in heaven!'

I also have a problem with being your friend when you and your brother clerics are telling your followers to kill me! Let me ask you a question: Would you rather have your allah, who tells you to kill me in order for you to go to heaven, or my Jesus who tells me to love you because I am going to heaven and He wants you to be there with me?'
2015-12-11 06:11:06 UTC
YOUR RANT is REDICULOUS, BS ... and LYING, blaming and whining of " Most Republicans " is BS too as is your chat / updates and IF, MUSLIMS want to PROVE themselves of not being DAESH / MUSLIM TERRORISTS, RADICALS, etc ... THEY NEED to all VOLUNTEER to go back to the mid east and FIGHT the TERRORISTS , not flee like cowards to all parts of the World and expect others to fight their CIVIL and TERRORIST WAR ;) ! Talk is cheap, you are full of it, as are most MUSLIMS , terrorist or not !!
2015-12-15 16:00:07 UTC
Not all Muslims are terrorist, not all Chistians are KKK. But why take a chance?
2015-12-11 19:24:04 UTC
My grandmother was a Slovak-American Catholic, born in small coal town in Pennsylvania and her parents were both born in the Old Country. The brothers beat their sisters. It was not uncommon for husbands to beat the wife and kids. And none were Muslims.
Spock (rhp)
2015-12-13 03:21:56 UTC
ya, well ... Obama threw away the chance to bring an honest and more representative government to Syria, just like he did the same to Iraq. Now the oppressed are rising up, as you should expect, and they're angry at Mr High and Mighty who refused to put his troops where his mouth was. He deserves them
2015-12-13 22:47:15 UTC
You mean like Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Yemen and Syria were before Obozo the Clown interfered with them, overthrew their secular governments and then let radical Islam take root?
2015-12-13 23:20:40 UTC
Indonesia's a "second world" muslim country but arguably the persian gulf countries like the UAE and Qatar have as high of standards as the US or parts of Europe.

2015-12-12 08:03:55 UTC
Most of us acquire information on TV etc.,and the picture we create in our head by those news becomes 'fact' in our mind until some new piece of information modify the 'picture'. Multiple big-name terrorists came from Saudi and Pakistan, so no wonder ordinary Americans think so,,

After the Jordanian pilot was killed by ISIS, we heard more about King Abdullah II of Jordan, and about Egyptian president Abdel Fattah el-Sisi after the Coptic Christians were beheaded. That's the time I realized not all Muslims countries are like Saudi Arabia.

Maybe I'm developing another bias, but by hearing this Jordanian-born Imam speaks for the American national security against Islamic extremists' violence, I started to think at least Jordan is definitely different from Pakistan or Saudi. (To: asker:: if you know any other generally more peaceful Muslim countries, please list them on the comment. Thanks.)

{ some excerpt from the site below }

...12News anchor Kevin Steele asked Alsayyed directly, "are you prepared to denounce ISIS and its beheadings?"

"Come on, no human being would accept this type of animal behavior," said the imam.

"This is like, this is completely, it doesn't belong to any religion this ISIS."

Nidal and the Muslim faithful of Southeast Texas hosted this year's Interfaith Thanksgiving service.....

....."Did the Prophet ever, in your view, say you must kill the infidel?" Steele asked.

"Never. Never. And the only way it was done when the killing was happening against non-believers is when they're involved already in a battle and that battle is already going on and it's a matter of you have to save your religion," said Alsayyed.

Nidal says he has never felt bigotry from Southeast Texans. He calls Islam a religion of peace - as have President George W. Bush and President Barack Obama. And its certainly true 5 of the past 12 Nobel Peace Prize winners - are Muslims.

If it's a religion of peace how do we reconcile in our minds the beheadings of ISIS, global terror, and verses from the Qu'ran like Surah 47:4 that some believe approve, even encourage, bloodshed. Surah 47:4 reads, "And when you meet those who misbelieve, non-Muslims, while fighting in jihad, cut off their heads until you have massacred them, and take them captive."

Imam Nidal says its better translated, "while fighting on the battlefield." And Nidal says, as with other verses, the Qu'ran approves violence only in self defense.

When Steele noted that the 3,000 people at the World Trade Center towers didn't attack anyone, Alsayyed responded by saying, "Of course. I mean, why do we speak about violence and why do we say of 73 groups of some Muslims, 72 (the Prophet is saying) they are in hellfire. In the Middle East you will find some groups that misunderstand the message of the Prophet."

The World Trade Center attackers are in hellfire? The imam told us that he and most Islamic scholars believe they are in hellfire and said it pertains when anyone kills, "for no real reason." ....

.....The imam says 80% of the Qu'ran's verses on jihad refer to the inner struggle against the human nature. And says violence may only be appropriate involving oppressive Islamic nations. Not non-Islamic states like the United States.

Critics still complain there is no such thing as "moderate" Islam and say the doctrine of Taqiyya allows Muslims to lie about violent aims -- to protect Islam.

Imam Nidal says Taqiyya is a Shia doctrine. And not a doctrine supported by his Sunni Hanafi school of thought....
2015-12-17 14:23:50 UTC
both those country believe that men are higher up, but... i have lived in bot those country and im 13 i have travelled all around the world, me myself im french but from Palestine. When our ove there it is not like the news, when our over there, all you see about america is the **** stuff, like shootings. most ppl over there think **** if i go to america ill get shot, for being coloured. Like what many ppl from your culture think.
2015-12-18 03:31:50 UTC
Ignorance is bliss. They don't care to know . That's not just ignorance it is self imposed ignorance , they want to keep life as simple as possible , they are still thinking in Black and White.
2015-12-10 23:16:51 UTC
Well then why don't you just sell all your $hit in Texas and go move to Indonesia and be happy living there with Muslims.
2015-12-14 03:09:23 UTC
Is this your way of saying all Dems like all Muslims?
2015-12-17 03:22:18 UTC
yes, I've read about the oppression of Christians in Indo. Next question,
2015-12-16 19:39:52 UTC
most Muslims are like in Brunei
2015-12-17 03:50:00 UTC
Trump is right!
Bobby Jacobson
2015-12-16 15:26:48 UTC
negative examples (as well as ignoring the large scope of things) furthers someones agenda
Yeah, butt
2015-12-12 05:00:10 UTC
yeah, sure
2015-12-11 04:16:14 UTC
Because they lack knowledge of the WORLD.
2015-12-11 15:18:57 UTC
Sorry no we do not but the Muslims who seek international terrorist acts primarily come from the ME.
2015-12-11 16:56:45 UTC
2015-12-11 23:14:20 UTC
try learning about sharia law, genius, then ask your mother or girlfriend if that how she always envisioned her future to be. all REAL muslims live under sharia law, its part of the religion, and by the way, it helps loads in this forum to understand what your posting before you do so. thanks.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.